Stroller Barre®
1 visit free
From $19 per visit with 8 Block Pass: All Access pass
No purchase required to enroll
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First Class Free: FIT4MOM
1 visit free
regularly $20
For new clients only. Allows client to attend their first Stroller Strides or Stroller Barre class for free. Pass is good for four weeks once it is issued, giving you the flexibility to attend on any day of the week you choose. |
First Class FREE automatically added to your account!
Stroller Barre® is a Stroller Strides class format which incorporates movements from Pilates, ballet and barre methods to provide a unique and effective workout for the pre and postnatal mom. Stroller Barre uses tubing, the stroller and the environment to provide an all over toning and fat burning experience.
To enroll in FREE class: 1.) click on class below, and then 2.) select blue button 'Enroll' in pop-up window to complete process. Please email us with any questions at
Stroller Barre® is a Stroller Strides class format which incorporates movements from Pilates, ballet and barre methods to provide a unique and effective workout for the pre and postnatal mom. Stroller Barre uses tubing, the stroller and the environment to provide an all over toning and fat burning experience.
To enroll in FREE class: 1.) click on class below, and then 2.) select blue button 'Enroll' in pop-up window to complete process. Please email us with any questions at